How often should SSL certificates be renewed?

SSL certificates are an essential part of any website. They provide a secure connection between the website and the user, ensuring that all data is encrypted and secure. But how often should SSL certificates be renewed?

The answer to this question depends on the type of SSL certificate you have. Some certificates are valid for one year, while others can be valid for up to three years. The type of certificate you choose will depend on your needs and budget.

Types of SSL Certificates

There are three main types of SSL certificates: single domain, multi-domain, and wildcard. Single domain certificates are used for one website, while multi-domain certificates can be used for multiple websites. Wildcard certificates are used for subdomains of a single domain.

Single domain certificates are the most common type of SSL certificate and are usually valid for one year. Multi-domain certificates are more expensive but can be valid for up to three years. Wildcard certificates are the most expensive but can be valid for up to five years.

Renewal Frequency

The frequency of SSL certificate renewal depends on the type of certificate you have. Single domain certificates should be renewed every year, while multi-domain and wildcard certificates can be renewed every two or three years. It is important to note that some certificates may require renewal more frequently than others.

It is also important to note that some certificates may require additional steps to be taken before they can be renewed. For example, some certificates may require the website to be re-validated or the domain to be re-verified. It is important to check the renewal requirements for your certificate before attempting to renew it.

Benefits of Renewing SSL Certificates

Renewing SSL certificates is important for a number of reasons. First, it ensures that the website is secure and that all data is encrypted. This is especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or personal information. Renewing SSL certificates also ensures that the website is up to date with the latest security protocols.

Renewing SSL certificates also helps to maintain the website’s reputation. If a website’s SSL certificate is not renewed, it can be seen as a sign of negligence and can lead to visitors leaving the website. Renewing SSL certificates also helps to ensure that the website is compliant with industry standards.


SSL certificates are an essential part of any website and should be renewed regularly. The frequency of renewal depends on the type of certificate you have, but all certificates should be renewed at least once a year. Renewing SSL certificates helps to ensure that the website is secure and up to date with the latest security protocols. If you are looking for an SSL certificate, eSSL offers a wide range of SSL products to suit your needs. Buy SSL Certificate today and keep your website secure.